763.546.1301 • info@bassettcreekdental.com

Piercings and the Effects on Your Smile

Whether you are contemplating a lip, tongue, or some other kind of piercing in or near your mouth, you may want to reconsider. While you may like the look of these types of piercings, it is important to know that jewelry in or near the mouth may severely affect your oral health. Simply put, the […]

5 Causes of White Spots on Teeth

We commonly hear our patients seek a whiter smile, but in some cases, yellowing or stained teeth are not the only reason why. White spots on teeth can cause people to feel just as self-conscious as a dull smile. Let’s discuss what causes these spots and what you can do about them. 5 Causes of […]

Teeth Whitening Myths Busted

There seem to be new claims every day about teeth whitening. Still, many of these are simply clever, catchy marketing tactics with little to no data to back them up. In fact, many of these myths can actually cause harm to your smile. Therefore, we are taking the opportunity to help you by busting some […]

How to Whiten Your Teeth Naturally at Home

Almost everyone wants a whiter, brighter smile, so it’s not surprising that we get asked about this topic a lot. We want to start by stating that the best way to get a whiter smile is to consider professional teeth whitening.  There are numerous reasons this is recommended above at-home remedies, but the take-home message is […]

Enjoy Coffee Without Damaging Your Teeth

If you are a coffee lover, the idea of giving up your morning brew will not happen for the sake of your teeth. Don’t fret. You can still enjoy your morning cup of joe without sacrificing your smile. Coffee has many health benefits, but the reality is that it does cause damage and staining to […]