763.546.1301 • info@bassettcreekdental.com

5 Ways to Make Oral Hygiene Fun for Kids

father and daughter brushing their teeth together in a bathroom at home.

Turn brushing into an exciting activity! Bassett Creek Dental in Golden Valley shares tips to make oral hygiene fun for kids. Schedule your child’s visit today!

How Bassett Creek Dental Makes Visiting the Dentist Less Scary for Kids

Child in dental chair talking with doctor

For many children, a trip to the dentist can feel like venturing into the unknown—a little daunting, maybe even scary. At Bassett Creek Dental, located right here in Golden Valley, MN, we understand that a positive dental experience in childhood can set the stage for a lifetime of healthy smiles. That’s why we’ve created a […]

How to Choose a Family Dentist: Key Considerations for Parents

Family Dentist, mother with children in waiting room

As a parent, choosing the right family dentist is an important decision as you want to choose the right dentist that you can stay with for a lifetime. A great family dentist will not only provide excellent care for your children but will also become a trusted partner in maintaining your family’s oral health over […]

Understanding Thumbsucking: A Guide for Parents

Thumbsucking, small child with thumb in mouth

As a parent, you always want what’s best for your child’s health and happiness. Thumbsucking is a common and natural habit for many infants and young children. While it often provides comfort, there are times when this habit may need to come to an end. Let us help you understand thumbsucking, when it’s appropriate, potential […]

Dental Health for Children – Creating Healthy Habits Young

One of the many milestones your child will go through is getting their baby teeth and, eventually, their permanent teeth. While many of us shrug off the importance of baby teeth, we cannot stress this is enough; baby teeth do matter. One of the most important reasons to care properly for your child’s baby teeth […]

Understanding Baby Teeth and Tooth Loss

One of our biggest joys is beginning to treat our current patients’ children. There is nothing more exciting than that first appointment with patients we have been treating for years and now we get to begin seeing their children. Not only is that first visit exciting, but there are many other milestones coming your way […]

Children’s Dental Month

February is Children’s Dental Health Month, a time when dental professionals and health advocates come together to promote the importance of good oral hygiene habits for children. The observance, which began as a one-day event in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1941, has since expanded to a month-long campaign that reaches millions of families across the United […]

Children’s Dental FAQs

Children’s Dental FAQs

As parents, we strive to provide the best possible care for our children’s health, including their dental well-being. However, navigating the world of children’s oral health can sometimes be confusing and overwhelming. To help address some common concerns, this article aims to answer frequently asked questions (FAQs) about children’s dental care. From teething to cavity […]

Halloween Candy and the Effects on Your Children’s Teeth

Halloween is quickly approaching and you may have already noticed candy is everywhere! So, let’s take a moment to talk about Halloween candy and the effects on your children’s teeth…we all know that sugary sweets have negative effects on our smiles. These sugary sticky candies can lead to an increased risk of caries (cavities) especially […]