Choosing the Best Toothpaste

We all know by now that we should be brushing our teeth twice daily, but many of us wonder, what kind of toothpaste should I be using? With countless options lining the shelves of supermarkets and pharmacies, it’s understandable that selecting the right toothpaste can feel overwhelming. However, choosing the best toothpaste doesn’t have to […]
When to Cancel Your Dental Appointment

Dental care is an essential part of overall health, however, we are well aware that many of us simply dislike the dentist and may be tempted to cancel for the slightest reason. First and foremost, generally you should keep your appointment and always avoid canceling at the last minute unless absolutely necessary. There are certain […]
If I am Pregnant – Should I Still go to the Dentist?

Pregnancy is a joyous time, but you may feel quite overwhelmed with the dos and don’ts as this list can get quite long. However, when it comes to pregnancy and going in for routine cleanings, the answer is yes, you should still go to the dentist while pregnant. Pregnancy and Going to the Dentist Going […]
Your Smile is Important – 5 Reasons Why

Your smile is important and it is a common misconception that tooth loss is normal with aging. However, if you practice good oral hygiene for a lifetime it is far less common to suffer from tooth loss as you age. So, now that you know it’s possible to keep your smile for a lifetime let’s […]
Teeth Tips to Make You Smile

Your teeth are important and it should be your goal to keep your smile healthy. It is a common misconception that tooth loss with age is normal, but it is possible to keep your natural teeth for your entire life if you make your smile a priority. Here are some fun teeth tips to make […]
Fun Facts About Your Teeth

Your teeth are important and we all know the basics of brushing twice daily, flossing daily, avoiding sugary/acidic foods and drinks, using a mouth rinse, drinking plenty of water, etc. But how much do you really know about your teeth? Below we have put together some fun facts that you maybe didn’t know about your […]
10 Tips to Stay Healthy

COVID-19 is the topic of many conversations and while we all continue to do our part to limit the spread, it is important to remember to do your part to keep yourself healthy as well. 10 Tips to Stay Healthy Wash Your Hands One of the most effective and easiest ways to keep yourself healthy […]
Healthy Aging, Healthy Smile

September is Healthy Aging Month. Maintaining a healthy smile far too often is overlooked as part of healthy aging, so we want to provide some education on why oral health is important when we are discussing longevity. Healthy Aging, Healthy Smile – How They Are Connected A healthy smile is part of healthy aging as […]
More Reasons to Smile – Spreading Kindness

Through our practice, we aim to give you more reasons to smile and we want to take that a step further by encouraging you to make others smile by spreading kindness the entire month of June. Giving Others More Reasons to Smile by Spreading Kindness Call a Friend or Family Member We sometimes get stuck […]
World Hand Hygiene Day – Clean Hands Count

Over the last two months you have no doubt heard repeatedly the importance of handwashing to prevent the spread of COVID-19. In addition to preventing COVID-19, hand hygiene can help prevent the spread of almost all germs, so we want to talk more about hand hygiene in celebration of World Hand Hygiene Day – May […]